permanent solution for drought & water scarcity
we built Dams,
we made Canals,
we have FarmPonds, Bori Bandhs
Yet why do our crops go dry ?
We get 100 lakh ltr/hectare of water directly in our fields through 100cm rainfall.
Whereas water needed for a farm is only 30 lakh ltr/hectare.
• Normally, only 30cm of water at field level is required for 2 Crops, whereas 300 cm of water is poured.
• Crops /plants do not intake water directly but they need moist soil to absorb water from it.
KFP does exactly this. It harvests rainwater
underground in form of soil moisture.
KFP harvests maximum rainwater and
percolates it in the ground/farm at a very high speed.
Initially this rainwater is retained by soil (top 12 ft) in the form of moisture in the upward catchment area which is available to plant roots.
Once the field capacity of this zone is achieved (in 1-5 years), excess rainwater increases ground water table and simultaneously increases well water level.
Farmers can permanently get rid of drought & water scarcity.
Reliable Solution for Unreliable Monsoon
One Time Cost - Water for 200 years
No running cost • No Maintenance
Benefits of underground water harvesting technique for farmers