KFP Rainwater Harvesting for Farmers

permanent solution for drought & water scarcity

we built Dams,
we made Canals,
we have FarmPonds, Bori Bandhs

Yet why do our crops go dry ?


Reliable Solution for Unreliable Monsoon
One Time Cost - Water for 200 years
No running cost • No Maintenance


Technical Feasibility

 innovative rainwater harvesting systemrainwater harvesting method

Information Required from You


Benefits of underground water harvesting technique for farmers

  • KFP RWH Harvest upto 80% of the total rainfall so all the water falling in the farm is utilized.
  • No Evaporation & Run-off Losses as water is stored underground.
  • Stops Soil Erosion, water seeps into the ground at a very high speed, and therefore doesn't flow out of the field & precious soil is conserved.
  • Increases Crop Production - The moisture retained by the soil is 4 times more and therefore soil remains moist for longer period. Thus within 1-3 years farmers can take additional crop.
  • Increases Well Water, it can even revive dry wells.
  • Trees Survive the Drought Period as soil remains moist throughout the year.
  • Saves Irrigation Power as moisture is available to plant roots in top 12 ft soil.
  • Increases Soil Fertility and reduces the need of chemical fertilizers.


rainwater harvesting for fields,  farmers